Getting your Web App ready for customers to order is relatively quick and straightforward, you can find more information on this in the related articles section. This article will take you through what elements you are able to customise using your own branding.
Related Articles
- Setting up your Web App
- Using my own domain for Web Ordering
- Customising your customer's receipt
- Adding your trading hours
Header Image
As part of the set-up, we will add a stock image as your hero tile to your Web App. This image will appear at the top part of the web page and this can of course be replaced with your own image. You will need to provide the image in the following format and size;
- 1280 x 267 pixels
- PNG format
Note: The header image is responsive which means it scales depending on the device being used to view your web app. For this reason, we don't recommend adding text.
Logo and Favicon
By providing a logo, you are able to add your branding to your web ordering page. This will appear on the top left-hand side of the website.
A favicon is associated with a web page and or site and is a graphical image that appears in the tab section of your browser.
You are able to add your own favicon (logo), just send an image in the following format;
- 50 pixels (H)
- PNG format
Processing your Order page
You are able to add an image that will appear on your web app while the platform is processing your order.
Please keep in mind that images will be resized with a height of 268px but we suggest a larger image is supplied to keep things from getting pixelated on larger screens
The following fonts are supported only on the header text on the menu.
- Alta
- Amatic SC
- Barlow
- Bebas Neue
- Courier Prime
- Cutive Mono
- DM Sans
- DM Serif Display
- DM Serif Text
- Josefin Sans
- Karla
- Oswald
- Overpass
- Patrick Hand
- Poppins
- Prata
- Roboto Slab
- Spartan
- Spectral SC
- Sriracha
- Yeseva One
If you have any questions contact the Help Desk who will be able to assist.
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