This article will allow you to amend a location in LOKE Office. This is helpful if you move to a new location.
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To amend an existing location
- Log in to your LOKE Office and click on Locations in the left-hand menu
- Select your location that you want to change by clicking on the arrow on the far right side
- Scroll down to the General section and click on Edit.
- Edit the name and then Save
It is important to ensure that their geo-settings on their mobile can easily find your location. To amend the long/latitude coordinates follow these easy steps;
1. Find your location on Google Maps and right click on the red location pin and select 'What's here'
2. Copy the longitude and latitude coordinates
4. In the Your Locations section, paste the Longitude and Latitude coordinates into Longitude / Latitude field. The pin on the Map will adjust.
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