With your app design underway, you will need to set-up 2 accounts;
- Apple Developer account
- App Store Connect account
This is a registration with Apple that enables you to offer your app on the App Store. Unfortunately this isn't something LOKE can do on your behalf, but we're here to support you along the way.
Apple Developer Account Setup
Before you start:
- You must enrol as an an Organisation and not as an Individual
- You'll need an Apple ID with 2 factor authorisation turned on - click here to learn more
- You'll need a D-U-N-S Number - A DUNS Number is a global 9-digit business ID - to learn more click here
- You'll need a website associated with your business
1. The first step is to enrol in the Apple Developer Program here.
2. Once your account is verified, you'll need to give LOKE Administrator access (app.manager@loke.com.au) so we can upload your app & submit app updates on an ongoing basis.
3. To do this, you'll need to select Users and Access and it will redirect you to App Store Connect.
Apple App Store Connect Setup
1. Once connected, you'll need to give LOKE access to your App Store Connect account, this is done in the Users and Roles section, once again provide access to the email (app.manager@loke.com.au) and give LOKE an Administrator role.
3. To do this, Click the blue plus icon next to Users to the left of your screen. Fill in the details accordingly and click next in the top right corner of your screen:
First Name: LOKE
Last Name: Administrator
Email (this will be the user's Apple ID): app.manager@loke.com.au
Roles : Admin
Additional Resources: All ticked except for Access to Cloud Managed Developer ID CertificateOn the following page, you'll select the role Admin then click next in the top right corner.
At the next page, click Save.
The sooner you being the registration process the better!
If you're having any issues, please contact us at support@loke.com.au
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