Promotion: Lapsed Users
Duration: One Off
Business Objective: Retention
Customer Action: Spend through LOKE
Suggested Reward: Discount / 50% off whole order / Max of $20
Set up time: 20 minutes
Further Action: Copy list and email as well as push notification.
Step 1: Open Customer page in LOKE Office and select CREATE LIST > SMART LIST
Step 2. Name your list and choose LAST SPEND DATE < MORE THAN > 90 Days
*you can choose how long a lapsed user is for your business
Step 3. Now you have your list of lapsed users select EDIT
Discount Amount = 50%
Customer Participation = 1
Maximum Value = 1
Step 4. Select BROADCASTS in the left hand menu > Create Braodcast
Step 5. Name the push notification > choose the list created as the audience and write your short message to send.
Export this list and import it to your CRM. Lapsed users are unlikely to have push notifications one so emailing or SMS them to let them know you would love to have them back and the reward is waiting from them in their cart.
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