This article will take you through how placing an order, how this then appears on the POS and what you need to do.
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Pick up or Delivery
By clicking on this box you will then be presented with 2 options; Pick up or Delivery.
By selecting Pick up you can then choice to collect the order ASAP or scheduled for later, the same can be said for Delivery. If you select scheduled, you are then able to select the time the order can be delivered or picked up from the store.
How are products added to the cart?
Click on the product in the menu and you will be presented with product details be able to customise your order. Click on the Add the bottom of your screen to add your product to the cart. You can then click on the green button at the bottom to see the contents of your cart.
From here you are either able Edit your order or hit Continue. You can select your payment method and proceed to pay. Once the order is submitted the order will be summarised on the post check-out screen
Once the order has been placed online, the order will print out. You can then prepare the orders accordingly.
This is what a pick up order will look like on the POS.
And this is what a delivery order will look like on the POS.
Tendering an order
When you need to tender the order, hit the Tender button on the POS. If the customer has paid online, you will see Online hightlighed with a zero balance. Hit Online and this will confirm that order is tendered off and you can hit Close.
If you hit the Tender button on the POS and you do not see the Online button highlighted, this means that the customer is going to pay by cash. Enter an amount that they have given and then hit Cash/Check and this will confirm that order is tendered off and whether any change is due. Hit Close.
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